101 in 1001

Tuesday, July 07, 2009


22 Go camping again

Completed - the weekend of July 4th, 2009, seven of us went up to the Cape and camped for two nights and it was amazing...

Monday, June 29, 2009


9 Host a “game night” at my place

This may not be quite what I had in mind, but I'm counting it. Friday night (June 26, 2009), I hosted Rock Band night for my boy, my brother and his girlfriend. We drank a lot of beer and probably pissed off my neighbors with our terrible singing. It was awesome.


13 Put together my grill and learn how to use it (and then use it)

Done! The grill was put together last month, but sat unused until Friday night. I hosted a Rock Band party and we decided to grill. The boy went out there, showed me how to use it, and then cooked burgers, hot dogs and veggies on my new grill!

Sunday, May 31, 2009


90 Learn to make risotto

I followed this recipe and used shiitake mushrooms and it was amazing. It took forever, but I could do it and I'm looking forward to trying out different add-ins.


34 Spend the entire night on the beach - watch the sun set and then rise again

It wasn't the beach, but it was a first date with an amazing guy... we ate dinner and watched the sun set into a lake. We talk, drank, and went to the casino at 3 in the morning... to come back and watch the sun rise again. It was even better than sitting at the beach (although I'd still like to do that too) because it was SUCH a good first date... with such promise for more great dates.

Fingers crossed.

Saturday, May 02, 2009


#93 - Buy crayons, markers, colored pencils and a geometric pattern coloring book and use it

Completed - last weekend (April 2009) I went outside on my deck and sat in the sun and drank my iced coffee and colored. It was fantastic!

Tuesday, April 07, 2009


63 Go see Bruce Hornsby with Dad whenever he comes to the area

We went Friday, March 27, 2009 at the MGM Grand.


40 Go to the top of the Empire State building

Completed: March 13, 2009


36 Use the passport I got two and a half years ago!
Okay, I'm not sure it really counts, but since you now need a passport to go through Canada, I did need to have it. And if I didn't have it, we wouldn't have (as easily) been able to do the last minute, let's just drive to Detroit trip that we did with no notice whatsoever.

So, completed: Saturday, April 4, 2009

Friday, January 23, 2009

Take Two

1 Learn how to make my aunt’s potato latkes
2 Unpack – or at least go through – all of the boxes in my garage so that the only boxes down there are simply storage
3 Label any boxes that are being stored (anywhere) so I can easily tell what’s inside
4 Go at least a week (when I'm home all week) without having ANY dirty dishes in the sink when I go to bed
5 Clean the bathroom once a week for two months
6 Either fix or get rid of the air mattress
7 Host a real dinner party
8 Have a party at my condo (since I still haven’t had a housewarming party!)
9 Host a “game night” at my place (completed)
10 Decorate all the walls in my condo (kitchen, living room, spare bedroom)
11 Organize all my VHS tapes
12 Buy bookshelves and organize all my books
13 Put together my grill and learn how to use it (and then use it) (completed)
14 Use my crock pot
15 Invite my cousins over for dinner at my place
16 Invite my aunt and uncle over/to dinner
17 Invite mom and dad over for dinner

Things To Do

18 Ride a Jet-Ski
19 Go to a regular season NFL game
20 Go to a regular season NHL game
21 Go to a regular season NBA game
22 Go camping again
23 Go tubing down a river
24 Go white water rafting
25 Have an outdoor picnic with someone - complete with a bottle of wine, cheese, fruit, sandwiches, a blanket and ants
26 Go ice skating
27 Go outside to watch a meteor shower the next time a big one is in the area
28 Slow dance with someone at a formal affair and not worry if I'm all sweaty or if my breath still smells like dinner or if I'm stepping on their feet - just enjoy the moment
29 Get my picture taken with a friend in one of those booths at the mall where you get that strip of four pictures
30 Get dressed up to go out to dinner for no reason at all
31 Spend at least three consecutive hours in a bookstore/cafe/coffeehouse just writing and people watching - no internet surfing
32 Go on a hike (locally) with someone
33 Watch a fireworks show on the 4th of July in the arms of someone I care about
34 Spend the entire night on the beach - watch the sun set and then rise again (Completed, kind of)
35 Celebrate at least one random event a year with champagne

Places To Go

36 Use the passport I got two and a half years ago! (Completed)
37 Go back to Atlantic City and go to the rum bar
38 Go to a water park and go down the water slide
39 Go on a cruise
40 Go to the top of the Empire State building (Completed)
41 Go to the four corners (New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, Utah)
42 Go back to Napa/Sonoma – with someone – and stay there for at least one night
43 Buy a picture taken at an amusement park when I'm on a roller coaster or some other scary ride - no matter how funny looking my face looks
44 Hike or raft the Grand Canyon
45 Go on a vacation to a destination with an all-inclusive resort
46 Go to Yellowstone National Park
47 Drive through Utah and go to the National Parks there
48 See the Northern Lights
49 Visit at least five new states (by my definition). (States left that I haven’t been to: Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Oregon, Tennessee, Utah)
50 Go on a real vacation (not for work, not related to work, and lasting at least a week)
51 Take my mother to Wisconsin again
52 Go to either Nantucket Wine Festival, Tanglewood Wine and Food Classic or a similar event
53 Go on a dinner/sightseeing/tour cruise

54 Read/Re-read at least 25 of the Random House Best Novels (board's list)
55 Read 10 of the books off the Random House reader’s list (un-duplicated with the board’s list)
56 Compile a "must-read" list of at least 15 books - and read them (cannot duplicate with Random House lists)
57 Read "Atlas Shrugged"
58 Finish my MBA!
59 Learn how to play craps
60 Get a library card for my local library
61 Take dance lessons (with someone)
62 Go to a concert for someone that I’ve never seen before (and want to go to – not be dragged to one!)
63 Go see Bruce Hornsby with Dad whenever he comes to the area (So far so good)


64 Run a 5k in under 30 minutes
65 Run a 10k
66 Run a half-marathon
67 Run at least 10 miles a week for 4 weeks straight
68 Floss everyday for a month
69 Buy a water-pik and actually use it
70 Research tennis leagues in the area or find someone to play with on a semi-regular basis
71 Renew my gym membership when it expires in October 2009
72 Drink no alcohol for one month
73 Do 100 sit-ups a day for two weeks
74 Go to the dentist twice a year for my regularly scheduled cleanings
75 Take golf lessons
76 Golf 18 holes
77 Get a bottle of vitamins and finish it


78 Coach a soccer team (rec league? Find out what it takes to coach a high school team)
79 Find a career
80 Give a child standing at the gumball machines a quarter
81 Make a wish on a shooting star
82 Kiss in the rain
83 Go one week without spending any money at all (one grocery store trip on Sunday allowed and gas is allowed, but that’s it for the week - no coffee, no buying lunch, no happy hour, no going out to dinner)
84 Learn how to change a flat tire
85 Have plans to do something fun/lucky on 11/11/11
86 Spend the entire day in bed (no shower, no getting dressed, no leaving the house, getting up for coffee in the house and food in the house is allowed) - and not feel guilty about it
87 Buy new indoor soccer shoes/turf shoes
88 Visit my grandparent’s grave with my father
89 Get all of my CDs onto my itunes/ipod
90 Learn to make risotto (Completed)
91 Write (for me) at least 15 days a month / approx 180 days a year (and keep track!)
92 Successfully complete NaNoWriMo again
93 Buy crayons, markers, colored pencils and a geometric pattern coloring book and use it (Completed)
94 Send 5 random "thinking of you" or "thank you just because" cards/letters to people (no duplicating)
95 Write my aunt and uncle a thank you card and send it to them for no reason in particular
96 Finish writing in "Soul Catcher"
97 Write a letter to Mom and to Dad and thank them for everything - detailed and honest
98 Give it to them
99 Buy a new digital camera
100 Find/buy an address book and start using it
101 Have a new list of 101 things ready to go in October 2011

From date: Friday, January 23, 2009
Added 1001 days
Resulting date: Friday, October 21, 2011

Monday, January 05, 2009

Checking it over

I'm getting really close to the end here, so I'm going back through (as I'm working on a new 101) and checking off some that did get done, but just might be overlooked...

8 Make a wish in a wishing well - Completed May 2008 at the Embassy Suites in Chicago.

12 Set up the wireless in my apartment (or have someone else successfully set it up, or move and have it set up in new location)
Null and void. I moved September 2007 and stopped paying for wireless and do not feel a need for it.

14 Find a system to organize friends and family birthdays and keep it updated
Facebook! Check!

17 Slow dance with someone and not worry if I'm all sweaty or if my breath still smells like dinner or if I'm stepping on their feet - just enjoy the moment
Completed May 2008 on a dinner cruise in Chicago

70 Be able to make one really good dessert (with chocolate, of course)
Completed December 24, 2008 - and it wasn't even chocolate! Gingerbread cake from scratch with homemade cream cheese frosting... Yum!